
Thank you for donating the value you feel was given

Contracting in a Bad Economy.. protecting your outlook

with more and more employees realizing that they cannot rely on the security of their job, I feel that it's my duty to help as many employees maximise their chance to profit as I can. I say profit because while the whole economy is down and most employees are feeling some type of impact, the ones that are going strong are the employees that are quietly investing a small donation of their time and effort into positioning themselves intelligently as a (highly paid) expert... building their network and their value profile on solid practices and are staying flexible. They don't have to be at the mercy of their employer and they are not tied into a rigidly structured introduction plan that does not allow flexibility like those sitting at home right now.

Ways you can pay it forward. to contractors without costing you money

Are you wondering how to find a way to pay it forward without it always having to cost you money and still feel good for wanting to help?

Perhaps consider
helping other Contractors

By Sharing your Personal Story

Do your write your own blogg? Consider sharing your personal story, struggles, and triumphs that is your path, your unique journey to your
vision, through a contributing blogg.

Through Chats/Forums/Discussion Boards

Do you participate in chat groups, discussion boards where you share your thoughts, ideas, suggestions in doing things in a certain way that's helped you become a better IT Contractor? You may want to show how the value you gained here could contribute to their dream.

By giving a gift

Do you have a friend who is grappling like you were and could use some direction in the form of a consultation that is for free?
It DOESN'T always HAVE to cost YOU money to help another human being OVERCOME the exact SAME struggle you JUST overcame?

When you feel entirely comfortable

about the benefit you received... perhaps consider what you love most about having a friend thank you for helping them feel more valued by another human being at work just like you.